There’s never been a better time to stand up for our planet. The combination of rising sea temperatures, air pollution, and plastic pollution is putting extreme pressure on the natural world. We all need to make significant changes. Here are some Plastic Slogans to help get the word out.
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We need to (and we can) reduce our plastic waste immediately! Using your voice or even sharing the free posters will help spread the word. Let’s make Earth Day an everyday consideration.
Table of Contents
Why Slogans Work
Slogans are catchy, to the point and memorable. They can get stuck in your head (and the heads of people around you) and ideally get stuck into the heads of people who have real power to make decisions.
In an ideal world, environmentalists come up with catchy slogans, get together, protest and chant some kind of plastic slogan. The short slogan (if memorable) will be picked up by the media and shared.
In short, a slogan is one of the quickest and easiest ways to share a message with the largest number of people. Whether you are chanting Save Earth Slogans or Slogans on Saving Water you are contributing to the world’s environmental cause.
Anti Plastic Slogans That Rhyme
Use these plastic slogans to make a change. A real change! You can write them up on your own boards, protest with them or just shout them out of your car window.
- Our voice is not sarcastic. We say no to plastic.
- Our opinion is not elastic. Stop making plastic.
- The new Jurassic. A fossil of plastic.
- It might sound drastic. But we can’t deal with your plastic.
- We want evolution, not more pollution.
- Let’s shift the devolution of pollution. You make it, you’re responsible.
- Creating less plastic is not ‘the’ solution, we need to be cleaning up our plastic mess around the world every day.
- Prosecution for Plastic Pollution.
- Retribution for plastic pollution. Pollution starts on the shelves. Demand alternatives from manufacturers.
- A single use plastic substitution. A world without pollution.
- Plastic Pollution Revolution. Say no to single-use plastics, switch to reusable.
- Dissolution for plastic pollution. Time to put pressure on the manufactures for solutions.
- Your plastic contribution is causing ocean pollution.
- The plastic bag is such a drag
- “Got me a snag”. No, it’s just another bag.
- Stop this from becoming the new global flag. Say no to the bag.
- Who ordered plastic soup? Not this group.
- Make haste, change the production, not the waste.
- No more oceans laced with waste!
- While you raced, you made waste. Time to fix this mess.
- Plastic Soda Bottles. Not good for the waist or the waste.
- Waste can be traced. Do you own stock or shares in the top 10 plastic manufacturing companies? Check.
- Plastic waste cannot be erased. It needs to be cleaned up.
- Plastic’s Misplaced, over and over again. The world’s disgraced, time to make a change.
- The oceans don’t want to taste our waste.
- Your seafood’s laced with our plastic waste. There will be more plastic in the ocean than fish by 2050
- Our past we cannot erase. Our future needs less waste.
- Don’t let the plastic bottle be our history’s fossil.
– The Dharma Trails
Anti Plastic Slogans with Free Posters
If you want a slogan (or in this case a plastic slogan) to be even more effective you can pair it with imagery. Here are plastic slogans on ready to print (or share) posters. You can post them on all the social media channels!
Plastic Bag Slogan Posters
While many places around the world have banned the bag, many countries (and even specific states within countries) are still using them.
For their particularly nasty impact on the environment, the plastic bag gets three options.

More Plastic Slogan Posters

Plastic Slogan Videos
Adding a plastic slogan to a video is a great way to strengthen your message. Here are a couple of short video examples of our “Green Up Grenada” campaign.
Books on plastic pollution
- Thicker than water: Erican Cirino travels the globe to meet scientists and activists who explain the real effects of the plastic crisis and explores ways to enhance system change in this short but to-the-point insightful book.
- 101 Ways to Go Zero Waste: Kathryn Kellogg has been at the forefront of the Zero Waste Movement the last few years and has developed a series of ways that we can make better choices across a range of activities. This book is sure to get you on the right track to a plastic free life.
- Give a Sh*t: Do Good. Live Better. Save the Planet: A perfect blend of humour and education makes this audiobook a great listen for anyone looking to make real, positive changes in their life for a sustainable future.
- Plastic-free: How I Kicked the Plastic Habit and How You Can Too: This real-life journey follows Beth Terry as she explores a variety of ways to change for the better without having to ‘eco-guilt’ yourself along the way.
Why we need to Say No To Plastic
Our planet is literally suffocating in plastic. It is everywhere. The problem with plastic is that it’s designed too well. Its purpose was to be cheap and durable. Plastic has achieved both, but what’s the real cost.
Yes, you can make a plastic bag for 1 cent and it can carry a full load of groceries. That is a serious engineering feat. But for every action, there is a reaction.
The reaction to our cheap and disposable lifestyle is the demise of the natural world. From seabirds on remote islands to innocent deer in their forests, there’s almost nowhere on our planet that’s not been affected by plastic in one way or another.
Plastic Quick Facts
We all need to say no to plastic as much as we psychically can. And, you’d be surprised just how easy that actually is. In the meantime, here are some shocking real facts about plastic pollution that you should know:
- Up to 12.7 Million tonnes of plastic enter the ocean each year
- Plastic items break into tiny particles called microplastics that are ingested by all kinds of wildlife.
- When animals (and birds) ingest plastic, they cannot digest it (break it down). Their stomachs are full but they cannot eat any more real food and die of starvation.
- There is more plastic in your bottled water than in tap water. 11 major bottled water brands (internationally) were tested for microplastics. At least 93% of the bottles contained levels twice that of tap water.
- Takeaway food in styrofoam containers is carcinogenic (cancer-causing). Styrene is classified as a carcinogen to humans according to the National Research Council.
Companies Producing Plastic
Most of the plastic we deal with on a daily basis (like bags) is either High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) or Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE). These are made from a petrochemical process (fossil fuels/oil).
These plastics were first developed in the 1950’s and quickly taken over by the oil industry. It’s no surprise that some of the biggest producers of plastic are the oil companies you might have heard of:
- Exxon Mobil
- Chevron
There is a relatively short list of major, global oil/plastic producing companies. Here are the top 10.
There are a few traits that they have in common:
- They have annual sales in the billions of dollars (some with hundreds of billions)
- Public stocks and shares
These kinds of large corporations are targets for hedge funds and superannuation accounts.
Are your investments contributing to the plastic pollution problem?
You might be unknowingly contributing to the market share of the fossil fuel industry/plastic industry through third party investment companies.
What does that mean?
Ironically, things like superannuation are meant to be looking after your futures best interest. However, this is only from a financial standpoint.
In reality, the more people that are investing in the fossil fuel industry now means the growth and expansion of these companies, more production of plastics, more pollution, etc. This is leading toward a pretty grim future.
If you do have investments in hedge funds or superannuations, check to see if they do go towards the fossil fuel industry.
Plastic Alternatives
Yes, you can recycle plastic. But isn’t it better to start buying plastic alternatives? This will show the market that we, consumers, no longer want what they are making because we are not happy with how things have turned out and certainly don’t want it to continue.
There are some exciting leaps in the world of plastic alternatives approaching market stages.
One of the biggest issues with plastic in our consumerist society is that most of the products are single-use.
A water bottle is used once, then tossed out. A bag of potato chips is opened then tossed out, etc. Here’s an example of some regular items that you can swap for a reusable (refillable) option.
For more information, click on the following links:
Petroleum-Based Plastic Alternatives
Apart from reusable containers, there are new and improved biodegradable plastics derived from organic materials like:
Plastic From Cactus
This incredible idea could be exactly the kind of revelation the world has been waiting for. Watch the short video for more information.
Plastic Packaging Alternative Using Mushroom
This company and technology have been around for a few years and are making headway towards becoming more mainstream.
What about all the plastic that’s already out there?
There might be a solution for that too! Again, mushrooms. This specific type of mushroom can actually “eat” plastic. It could have huge implications for landfills and other areas riddled with plastic waste.
hi how can I get a free poster for earth day? we are having an event. I know it’s short notice! thanks