55 Slogans On Saving Water + Popular Save Water Quotes

One of World Water Day’s slogans on saving water this year is “Water for Peace”. It’s a powerful message that is more important than ever before. Billions of people are living without access to safe drinking water right now. There is an urgent need for accelerated efforts for countries to work together, to manage shared water resources sustainably.

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Education and awareness play a huge role in the conservation of water. One of the ways to spread awareness is via engaging quotes and slogans on saving water. Getting the message out, and taking action is pivotal to making a difference. From reducing our waste at home, being mindful of our water and carbon footprint, and advocating for policymakers to put water and climate change at the forefront, each person can make a difference. If you want to be inspired and motivated to create change, watch these sustainable documentaries.


What is the meaningful slogan on saving water?

water droplets with text overlay "conserve water, preserve life" save water slogan

The slogan, “Conserve Water, Preserve Life” highlights the critical importance of water conservation for sustaining life on Earth. By using water responsibly and reducing waste, we ensure that this vital resource remains available for future generations. 

What is the slogan on save water activity?

water rushing with text overlay act now, save water secure our future

“Act Now: Save Water, Secure Our Future” underscores the urgency of immediate action in water conservation efforts. It calls for proactive measures to protect our water supplies, emphasizing the long-term benefits of sustainable practices.

What is a famous quote about water?

ocean with text overlay water is the driving force of all nature

“Water is the driving force of all nature.” – Leonardo da Vinci

What is a rhyming slogan for water?

water drop with text overlay save water, save earth, dontn forget to value its worth

“Save Water, Save Earth – Value Its Worth” is a great rhyming slogan that emphasizes the essential role water plays in sustaining our planet. By conserving water, we protect ecosystems, support biodiversity, and ensure a healthy environment for future generations. This slogan encourages us to recognize and appreciate the true value of water in maintaining Earth’s vitality.

What is the slogan for keeping water clean?

smooth water with text overlay keep it clear, keep it clean, healthy water is a healthy planet [save water slogan]

“Keep It Clear, Keep It Clean – Healthy Water is a Healthy Planet.”

What is a slogan for save water?

slogans on saving water

Conserve the flow, let the future grow. – The Dharma Trails

What is a save water quote?

“Water is the silent guardian of our future, a priceless gift that keeps life going. In every drop lies the promise of tomorrow; let us cherish and preserve it for the generations yet to come.” – The Dharma Trails

World Water Day

Since 1993, World Water Day has been held on the 22nd of March each year, to raise awareness of the global water crisis. Each year there is a different theme with associated slogans on saving water, to help spread awareness of the current water issues. Here are some of the recent themes of World Water Day:

  • 2017’s theme was “Why waste water”, bringing awareness to treating and reusing wastewater.
  • 2018’s theme was “Nature for Water” which explored some of the nature-based solutions to our water challenges.
  • 2019’s theme was “Leaving No One Behind”. This was an adaptation of the 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development, as sustainable development progresses, everyone must benefit.
  • 2020’s theme was “Water and Climate Change”. We cannot afford to wait. Everyone has a role to play.
  • 2021’s theme was “Valuing Water”, highlighting the importance of conserving water and its value.
  • 2022’s theme was “Groundwater, making the invisible visible”, promoting information sharing and collaboration, and raising awareness of the need to protect our groundwater.
  • 2023’s theme was “Accelerating Change”, highlighting the need to speed up efforts to create sustainable water management practices.
  • 2024’s World Water Day theme is “Leveraging Water for Peace”, emphasising the urgent need for more transboundary water cooperation.

Best Slogans on Saving Water

  • “Don’t be the leak in our global flow.” – The Dharma Trails
  • “Conserve the flow, let the future grow.” – The Dharma Trails
  • “From rivers to taps, let’s bridge the water gaps.” – The Dharma Trails
  • “Let’s not wait, conserve water before it’s too late.” – The Dharma Trails
  • “Skip the drip, do your bit.” – The Dharma Trails
  • “You can’t wash the waste from your hands when it’s all gone.” – The Dharma Trails
  • “One hamburger or three weeks of showers. What will you choose?” – The Dharma Trails
  • “Caring for water is caring for us all.” – The Dharma Trails
  • “Rich or poor in water. It’s the only currency that really matters.” – The Dharma Trails
  • “One cotton t-shirt or 1,300 days of drinking water? It’s the same amount of water for both.” – The Dharma Trails

Want some save water slogans that rhyme? We’ve got some catchy slogans to help inspire you and your friends to preserve water.

Save Water Slogans That Rhyme

  • “Water is nature’s daughter. She’s gentle and sweet. If you let her go, we lose the flow and end up in retreat.”
  • “Reduce the power in your shower and save a buck or have good luck.”
  • “The power of a tap is that it can trap. Because water will run until it’s all gone”
  • “When you think beyond the sink, the world can drink and drink and drink.”
  • “The future we steer, our water be clear, together we’ll have nothing to fear.”
  • “A drop a day wastes the water away.”
  • Save water today or tomorrow you’ll pay.”
  • “We need to hydrate, for that is our fate. Together let’s keep the water first-rate.”
  • “Life’s too short to waste it. Every plant, dog and friend just wants to taste it.”
  • “Time to care before streams are bare.”
  • “We can’t drink dust, dirt, oil or rust. But water. Well, that’s a must.”
  • “Drip, drop, drip, drop. This kind of clock must be stopped.”
  • “Eat Vegan at the cafe to save water today”
  • Wasting water away is not okay”
  • “You have the power to shorten your shower”
  • “It’s time to care before the water is rare”
  • “Don’t get a bad rap for keeping a leak in your tap”
  • “Wasting water today will turn streams into clay”
  • “It’s time to care before water evaporates into thin air”
  • “Be water smart from the start, play your part.”
  • “Drop by drop, let’s make the water waste stop.”
  • “Leaks are bleak, conservation we seek.”

– The Dharma Trails

Short Slogans on Saving Water

  • “Keep the rivers clean & earth evergreen.” – The Dharma Trails
  • “Not too late to save water’s fate.” – The Dharma Trails
  • “Tread lightly. Reduce your Water Footprint.” – The Dharma Trails
  • “If you save water, water will save you” – India Celebrating
  • “Save each drop, make wastage stop.” – The Dharma Trails
  • “Think blue, act green, keep water clean.” – The Dharma Trails
  • “Use less, save more, keep water pure.” – The Dharma Trails
  • “Save water today, secure tomorrow’s play.” – The Dharma Trails

Save Water Quotes

It has long been known that the key to life and our health is water. Save water quotes inspire environmental action by highlighting the importance of conserving this vital resource. These have been the most influential saving water quotes over the history of our time. By spreading awareness through powerful words, we can motivate individuals and communities to adopt sustainable practices and protect our planet’s future.

  • “Water is the driving force of all nature.” – Leonardo Da Vincci
  • “All the water that will ever be is, right now.” – National Geographic
  • “Rain is a blessing when it falls gently on parched fields, turning the earth green, causing the birds to sing.” – Donald Worster
  • “Plans to protect air and water, wilderness and wildlife are in fact plans to protect man.” – Stewart Udal
  • “By means of water, we give life to everything.” – Koran
  • “We forget that the water cycle and the life cycle are one.” – Jacques Cousteau
  • “We buy a bottle of water in the city, where clean water comes out in its taps. You know, back in 1965, if someone said to the average person, ‘You know in thirty years you are going to buy water in plastic bottles and pay more for that water than for gasoline?’ Everybody would look at you like you’re completely out of your mind.” – Paul Watson
  • “The wars of the twenty-first century will be fought over water.” – Ismail Serageldin
  • “A river is more than an amenity, it is a treasure.” – Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes
  • “The fact of the matter is our homes are on the frontlines when it comes to protecting and conserving our critical water resources – more than that, they are also key to protecting our health.” – Philippe Cousteau Jr.
  • Bright futures begin with clean water.” – The Water Project
  • “A river seems a magic thing. A magic, moving, living part of the very earth itself.” – Laura Gilpin
  • “Water links us to our neighbor in a way more profound and complex than any other.” – John Thorson
  • “Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans.” – Jacques Cousteau
  • “Thousands have lived without love, not one without water.” – W.H. Auden
  • “When the well is dry, we learn the worth of water.” – Benjamin Franklin
  • “This is not a natural crisis. This is a man-made crisis.” – Ernie Barnett
  • “Water, water, everywhere, Nor any drop to drink.” – Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • “Anything else you’re interested in is not going to happen if you can’t breathe the air and drink the water. Don’t sit this one out. Do something. You are by accident of fate alive at an absolutely critical moment in the history of our planet.” – Carl Sagan
  • “Water is the most critical resource issue of our lifetime and our children’s lifetime. The health of our waters is the principal measure of how we live on the land.” – Luna Leopold
  • “Water, water, everywhere, and all the boards did shrink; Water, water, everywhere, nor any drop to drink.” – Coleridge
  • “Globalization was supposed to break down barriers between continents and bring all peoples together. But what kind of globalization do we have with over one billion people on the planet not having safe water to drink?” – Mikhail Gorbachev
  • “Water is critical for sustainable development, including environmental integrity and the alleviation of poverty and hunger, and is indispensable for human health and well-being.” – United Nations

These save water quotes are just for laughs:

  • Save Water, drink beer
  • Save Water, drink coconuts”
  • “Shower shorter, water hoarder.”

Slogans on Saving Water in Hindi

  • पानी की रक्षा है देश की सुरक्षा
  • जब जल रहेगा तभी तो हमारा कल रहेगा
  •  जल बचाए और अपना कल बचाए
  • पानी को बचाओगे, अपने जीवन को बचाओगे
  • हम अपने भविष्य को सुरक्षित कर, जल बचाये, जीवन बचाये

Slogans on Water Pollution

Reducing water pollution is crucial for maintaining clean water and protecting ecosystems. By preventing contaminants from entering our waterways, we ensure safe drinking water, support biodiversity, and promote public health. Here are some slogans on water pollution.

  • Healthy Waterways, Healthy Lives.
  • Guard Our Waters, Guard Our Future.
  • Polluting a Stream, Pollutes a Dream.
  • Pollution Prevention Begins with Education
  • Stop the Spread, Keep Water Clean Instead.

Books about water conservation

Interested in learning more about the importance of water conservation? There are several excellent audiobooks and Kindle books available that go into further depth on the subject.

  • The Worth of Water: From world-famous actor and founder of the non-profit Water.org Matt Damon explores the ways in which we can conserve water for greater world health.  All the author’s proceeds also go to the non-profit foundation. Access with a free month trial.
  • Water 4.0: The story of drinking water systems over millennia and how we can improve the systems going forward to be more efficient and caring with saving water for our future. Access with a free month trial.
  • Water: Up, Down, and All Around: A quick, catchy book that highlights important water facts and reasons we need to save it. Access with a free month trial.

Save Water Save Earth

Not only a great slogan on saving water, but Save Water, Save Earth is a movement. More and more people have become aware of the need for water conservation (for our future). These are sparking amazing new movements all around the world. Here are a couple of interesting ones from India recently.

Save Water Save Earth in India

  • A competition in India (Maharashtra State) had a huge turn out of university students to physically carry buckets of soil to replace lost soil for water retention in the area.
  • The Devine India Youth Association is cleaning up the rivers in India. They’re also managing polluted waterways and changing the way that sacred sites along river banks are used (washing, cleaning, offerings, etc.)

If you are interested in eco travel and volunteering at such organizations, it’s a great way to give back while traveling.

Essays on “save water save earth”

As part of the save water save earth movement, some great essays have been written. There are several at different lengths, depending on your available reading time and level of interest. Here are some Long and Short Essays on Save Wat​​er Save Earth (in English).

Using Slogans on Saving Water To Create Awareness

Humans are storytellers. We think in phrases. The ones that stick in our minds are often the catchy, cheesy ones, like sunset quotes or trending beach captions. However, these are also the ones that we pass on to others. Whether it’s consciously or subconsciously; slogans, quotes, rhymes, and lyrics come to the front of our minds and conversation much easier than we think. When you’re looking for your next sunset

Creating and spreading slogans for saving water might not sound like an “action”. But, it is. Never underestimate the power of words. Especially, catchy words.

Why Slogans on Saving Water Are So Effective

One of the best parts about slogans, is that they can play over and around your mind so often, that you start to believe what you’ve heard.

  • You can start to think that the idea was yours, actually yours. Therefore, act it out.
  • They can hit an emotional chord. Emotional involvement or connection is where the idea of truly caring comes in.
  • They can trigger a question of possibility. Asking: what if? Is the best platform for taking action.

For example,

“Hope through Safe Water”


It doesn’t tell you what they’re doing, or how they’re doing it. Though, it does trigger a point of interest and a feeling of intrigue. What are they doing to encourage hope? You just have to go to their site and find out.

But you can see how powerful a short phrase can be, especially when it comes to saving water.

Why Should I Save Water?

There is only a tiny amount of usable water. When looking at an image of our planet, it appears to be mostly blue. That’s water, yes. But much of our planet’s water is not “usable”.

  • It’s salty. In fact, about 97% of the water is the ocean.
  • About 3% is “fresh” water. However, most of that is unusable too. It’s either locked up in glaciers, icebergs or simply too polluted.
  • Under 1% of all the world’s water is actually usable.  

There is a continuous “loop” that our water goes through. And the same water keeps being recycled, over and over.

The Water Cycle (Hydrologic Cycle):

  • Rain (Precipitation)
  • Evaporation (Oceans, Lakes, Ground Water, Plants)
  • Condensation (Clouds)

So what difference does it make if water is wasted? It will just be evaporated, condensed and then come back down as rain again.

That’s true.

But accessing usable water is the issue. Getting water to your tap requires energy. The process, which will depend on where you are is a little like this:

  • Collection or Extraction
  • Transportation or Pumping
  • Processing & Treatment
  • More Transportation or Pumping

So,  if you waste useable water, you’re also wasting energy! Which, in most cases in non-renewable.

Why Do People Still Not Have Water?

Our life depends on water. People have known this for thousands of years. So why are there still people without access to clean water? It’s a great question and one that is at the forefront of many water conservation and water scarcity awareness campaigns. The answer, in short, is money & climate.


It costs money to:

  • Collect the water
  • Treat it
  • Store it
  • Transport it
  • Supply it to a pipe network (also build the pipe network)

Unless you collect your own rainwater, or live next to a flowing stream and can physically collect it yourself, you need money for clean water. As the earth’s population increases, water resources are spread thinner and thinner.

This often means that more money is required to provide more resources. At present “there are millions of families spending more than 20% of their income on water.”

Climate Change & Natural Disasters:

There’s no doubt that places on earth are being affected more than others. Periods of drought and significant change in weather patterns are having a significant effect on the world’s distribution of usable water.

How To Write Slogans on Saving Water

This doesn’t have to be just for kids. Creating your own, unique slogans on saving water can be invaluable for companies or brands that use water in daily practice.

If a garden nursery used slogan making as a team-building exercise, think of the possibilities to truly enhance the company’s water conservation.

By personalizing water conservation slogans specific to team members or in-house jokes, the slogans are much more likely to take hold. There might actually be a drop in overall water use each month. This could lead to reduced overheads through water rates.

Save Water Slogans For Kids

It’s a great way to encourage the thought process. Kids have a short attention span.

Keep things:

  • short
  • interesting/rhyme
  • personalized

And the thought-provoking actions will happen.

Like the nursery example, personalization could be applied to a classroom or even at home. Adapting a slogan to fit a child’s name or school or favorite TV show can really make it memorable. Slogans on saving water can really make a difference today!

How To Save Water For The Next Generation

Heading into the future, we need to seriously take water seriously.

A report on climate change by the United Nations (UN), indicated that 5 Billion people could be affected by water shortage in 2050.

Is water the new oil? Potentially. The more we educate, take action on conservation methods and provide support to those in need now, the better our liquid future will be.

Understanding And Adapting Your Water Footprint

One of the biggest misconceptions about water use is that: we’re only using the water we can “see”.

This is far from reality.

  • About 70% of all water resources used by humans go to agriculture! Growing and producing our food.
  • Approx. 20% is used by industry (to make our “stuff” – clothes, ovens, cars, phones, etc.)
  • Approx. 10% is used in households (showers, washing clothes, drinking, etc.)

Each item we buy has some form of “water footprint”. This is the amount of water it took to make.

An egg – 200 litres/52 Gallons

A hamburger – 2,450 litres/660 Gallons

A smartphone – 12,000 litres/3,190 Gallons


How To Reduce Your Water Footprint

Making smarter choices about what we buy can have a huge positive impact and reduce our water footprint.

Change Your Diet – Reduce Your Meat Intake

Most of our water footprint is used up by food production. We can change what we eat. Making positive choices at each meal.

The meat industry uses most of the agricultural water. This covers the water required to grow feed, and the animals themselves. By reducing your meat intake, you can significantly reduce your water and energy footprint.


It takes a lot of water to make “things”. As per the number mentioned above. Consider buying less, to actually save water!

Or buy better.

Be Water Conscious At Home (& Out & About)

The amount of water we “use” at home is relatively low compared to our food and “stuff” footprint. However, every drop does count!

A single dripping tap can lose 7,500 litres/2,000 Gallons a year. Or enough drinking water for one person for 10 years. If you are going to stay somewhere when you travel, try using Eco Accommodation, with a focus on water conservation.

Learn how to reduce your water footprint while travelling, here!

Organisations Dedicated To Saving Water

More and more grassroots movements and organisations are popping up all the time. They are having a real, positive impact on communities. Here are some of the bigger organisations making a global impact:

  • Wateraid: WaterAid is an amazing Non for Profit organisation operating in 28 countries. They positively impact millions of lives each year by providing clean water and toilets to those in need.
  • Water.org: Empowering over 17 million people with access to clean water, Water.org (co-founded by the actor Matt Damon) has done an amazing job providing microfinancing for low-income families to purchase clean water.
  • Charity Water: Through a variety of different methods, Charity Water collects donations and uses 100% of the money towards clean water projects in developing countries.

Join And Share Ideas On Saving Water

Have ideas for more Slogans on Saving Water? Or experience in the field with water conservation projects? Whether you have some more ideas on save water slogans that rhyme, or some catchy short slogans, we want to hear them!

For more great slogans, check out these save earth slogans, and tips for saying no to plastic.

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  • Aaron Salyer writer

    Aaron Salyer is a co-founder of The Dharma Trails, where his background in coastal engineering and passion for sustainability and writing have blended together. Through this platform, Aaron’s insightful narratives reach a global audience, advocating for conscious travel practices worldwide.

    View all posts

5 thoughts on “55 Slogans On Saving Water + Popular Save Water Quotes”

  1. Thanks for this beautiful content of the ‘Save Water’ topic. I was looking for some similar information and this post will help me a lot.

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