Sustainable Couple Influencers on Instagram: what’s it like to work together?

Sustainable couple influencers may use their platform in a variety of ways, whether they are travel bloggers, content producers, or simply a couple that enjoys writing about their adventures online. You’ve made it as an influential duo on social media, so you realize how important it is to engage with your community and show off your own flair and point of view.

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We’ve loved working together in the sustainable/eco space for the last seven years! It’s hard to believe that it’s been that long actually. But there are just so many amazing ways to create as a couple in a greener way.

Couple influencers. Why two people?

Being real and genuine in your content is one of the most crucial things you can do as an influencer couple. If you want genuine engagement from your fans, you need to show them the real you. This entails being open and honest about your principles and views, and integrating sustainability into your content in a manner that seems organic and genuine.

Being careful about the information and message you provide is also important for your success as an influencer couple. If you want your material to be seen by more people, you need to make sure you’re utilizing the proper keywords and hashtags on the right platforms. The “explore” function on Instagram and the “trending” section on Pinterest are two more great ways to find new influencers and fresh ideas to help you keep up with the times.

The two of you have more to offer your audience than just one influencer could on their own since you can both bring something different to the table. Take advantage of this by highlighting your collaborative efforts by including both of your unique voices and writing styles in your material.

Working with brands as a couple

The most fruitful collaborations you may have as an influencer include businesses that share your core values. It is important for you, as a sustainable couple influencer, to find firms who share your dedication to sustainability and are prepared to collaborate with you to promote eco-friendly goods or activities.

Brands are looking to collaborate with influencers who are real and authentic and can help them connect with their target audience in a meaningful manner; this is best accomplished via the creation of content that reflects your values and views.

As a couple, you have the distinct benefit over a solo influencer in that you can provide a greater variety of material and a fresh take on things. This is especially useful for firms who wish to appeal to a wide demographic.

Having a large number of followers is important, but the quality of those followers is more important. Influencers who can demonstrate that their audience is responding to and engaging with their material are highly sought after by brands.

Sustainable couple influencers

There are a lot of travel couple influencers out there with incredible content, style and energy. Here is just a couple that has a greater focus on the sustainability aspects of their content creation.

  • Lea and Stefan from @sunchasingtravelers are a couple living in Costa Rica and are always happy to talk eco travel and sustainable choices!
  • Christine and Sarah from @Wellnesstravelled are not really a ‘couple’, they do travel and create content as a couple (of sisters). With a focus on unique stays and eco tourism their page is full of great inspiration for eco travelers.
  • Vivien and Aaron (us) from @thedharmatrails, have been living in the Caribbean and Australia for the last few years, exploring sustainability and eco travel.

Our experience as sustainable couple influencers

We’ve been traveling and working together in the sustainable realm for around 7 years. And it all started with the idea that we could highlight different aspects of the places we were visiting.

Yes, we took photos of beautiful beaches but we couldn’t help notice that on the edge of the waterline there were pieces of plastic floating. It really came from a place of sharing. Like “hey guys check out how much trash there is on these amazing, remote islands, isn’t it crazy?”

And then we began looking into WHY there was so much trash. Where’s it come from? What are the sources? And then finally into what we can do about it.

We basically, shared our knowledge and experience of learning more as we went. We began to try new ways of living to reduce our waste, clean up trash we saw and dispose of it the best way that we could.

The Dharma Trails sustainable influencers in the Caribbean 1

From trash to travel

Once we delved into the world of plastic waste and reusable items, we began to look at all aspects of travel in general. The impacts it has on a place (and the world in general). So again, we delved into research and began to share what we were finding. As we learned more, we shared more.

It turns out, there are a lot of ways to reduce your negative impact while travelling. So we created posts on eco travel and recommendations for eco hotels and eco accomodation.

We partnered with and worked with tourism boards that were promoting sustainable travel and accomodations that truly considered and practiced the principles of eco tourism. It’s such a wonderful field with so many amazing brands and companies doing great things.

What’s the future of sustainable influencers?

As more and more brands shift to create products for longevity and greener results, it’s a bright green future for sustainable influencers. Luckily for us we love working together and share the same values so we will continue to travel and work as a couple.

Work with us!

Are you looking for sustainable couple influencers? We love connecting with like minded people and brands to create beautiful content in the green space.

Reach out today and learn how we can work together to create some amazing and inspirational content in the sustainable space!


  • Aaron Salyer writer

    Aaron Salyer is a co-founder of The Dharma Trails, where his background in coastal engineering and passion for sustainability and writing have blended together. Through this platform, Aaron’s insightful narratives reach a global audience, advocating for conscious travel practices worldwide.

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