101 Unique Sunset Captions & Quotes

Sunsets are one of the best times to take photos, but capturing great engagement requires pairing your shots with captivating sunset captions. Something catchy can grab people’s attention and make your sunset photos stand out. There’s no one-size-fits-all caption for every occasion, so it’s important to choose the right one.

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There are also different sunset types that call for different moods. From cityscape sunsets to poolside sunsets, to mountain and beach sunsets and amazing sailing sunsets. These all have their own moods and require slightly different sunset quotes to perfectly highlight the feeling.

This post has a great list of sunset captions and sunset quotes for all occasions!

Sunset Captions for Instagram

This post is aimed towards sunset Instagram captions, however, these could really be used and adapted on any kind of social media platform. The best thing to keep in mind when using sunset captions on Instagram is that the best ones are:

  • Unique
  • Personal
  • Catchy
  • Heartfelt
  • Funny

Take the following sunset captions and play with them to make something unique to you. Alternatively, here are some great beach quotes and captions for you to use.

aaron gazing at a joshua tree with the sunsetting behind, in joshua tree glamping site
Joshua Tree Sunset

Sunset Quotes About Life

There are a lot of great quotes out there by a lot of great people. Are they relevant to your situation? Maybe. Everyone reflects on moments differently, especially sunsets. However, there are some great, inspirational sunset quotes about life that make for some pretty good sunset captions.

  • “It was sunsets that taught me that beauty sometimes only lasts for a couple of moments, and it was sunrises that showed me that all it takes is patience to experience it all over again.” — A.J. Lawless
  • “Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain’t goin’ away.” – Elvis Presley
  • “As angry as the sky looks, it’s still full of the colors of love.” – Anthony T. Hincks
  • “Sunset is a wonderful opportunity for us to appreciate all the great things the sun gives us!” – Mehmet Murat Ildan
  • “When I admire the wonders of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in the worship of the creator.” – Mahatma Gandhi
  • “Never waste any amount of time doing anything important when there is a sunset outside that you should be sitting under.” – C. JoyBell C.
  • “There’s a sunrise and a sunset every single day, and they’re absolutely free. Don’t miss so many of them.” – Jo Walton
  • “Life is all about enjoying every sunset and looking forward for the next Sunrise.” – Sandeep Shergill
  • “Sunset is so marvellous that even the sun itself watches it every day in the reflections of the infinite oceans!” – Mehmet Murat ildan

What is a lovely quote on sunset?

sunset captions and quotes

Catch those sunset vibes, it’s the universe’s way of reminding you to say thanks for today. – The Dharma Trails

Sunset Quotes Short

  • “Every sunset is an opportunity to reset.” – Richie Norton
  • “Don’t forget: Beautiful sunsets need cloudy skies.” – Paulo Coelho
  • “Every sunset brings the promise of a new dawn.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • “Sunsets are proof that endings can often be beautiful too.” — Beau Taplin
  • “A Sunset is the sun’s fiery kiss to the night.” – Unknown

Romantic Sunset Quotes

  • “The sky has changed from orange to a hundred shades of pink to a dark navy blue, and here I am still loving you.” — A.Y.
  • “All I ever wanted was to dream another sunset with you.” — Mayday Parade
  • “Because when you stop and look around, this life is pretty amazing.” — Dr. Seuss
  • “Someday you will find the one who will watch every sunrise with you until the sunset of your life.” – Unknown

Funny Sunset Quotes

  • “Every sunset is also a sunrise; it all depends on where you stand.” – Karl Schmidt
  • “Sunsets are loved because they vanish.” – Ray Bradbury
  • “Sunset is still my favorite color, and rainbow is second.” – Mattie Stepanek

Lyrics About Sunsets

Sometimes song lyrics can be even more suited to a sunset post than anything else. Maybe it’ what you were listening to while watching the sun go down, or maybe its how it made you feel.

Either-way here are some great Sony lyrics about sunsets that you can use for your sunset captions:

  • “The sky broke like an egg into full sunset and the water caught fire.” – Pamela Hansford Johnson”
  • “Here comes the sun” – George Harrison
  • “Sunrise, Sunburn, Sunset – Luke Bryan
  • “All we need is all we got. Sunset loving in a parking lot” – Gloriana
  • “All your friends they ride into the sunset, fly into the sunset, and away they’re blown” Coldplay
  • “There are some things I’d like you to forget when your world is sinking like a sunset” – Tom Cochrane
  • “Say you’ll remember me standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset babe” – Taylor Swift

Sunset Captions That Ryhme

Is rhyming cheesy? Not if you’re posting for a fun moment. People post sunsets for all different reasons. If you’re in a happy mindset and want a sunset caption that reflects that, a little rhyme might be for you. Here are some sunset captions that rhyme:

Sundown Rhyming Word Captions

  • Uptown, sundown turn the beat around town.
  • Sundown. My kind of meltdown.
  • Sundown. What goes around, comes around.
  • Sunset crown for the days gone down
  • Paint the town with this sundown
  • A golden gown from this sundown
  • Sundown, boomtown.

Sunset Rhyming Words

  • All the letters in the alphabet, but no words for this sunset
  • Wet, wet, wet. A hot sunset.
  • Sleeps a treat with a nice sunset
  • How do I cast a net on this sunset?
  • Days end in sugar, sweat, and a nice sunset
  • Won’t forget this sunset
  • Jetset. Days wet. It ends with a fine sunset.
  • No need to preset this sunset
  • Sunset in Tibet. Wait…no, that’s not right.

Sunset Captions that Rhyme with Gold

  • Be bright, be bold, be sunset gold
  • Life on hold. Sunset’s gold
  • Never too old for loving sunset gold
  • The best kind of gold that can’t be sold
  • This sunset gold will break the mold

Sunset Captions that Rhyme with Dream

  • Life’s a beam of sunset dreams
  • Things are never what they seem in this sunset dream
  • My new life theme, the sunset dream

Sunset Rhymes with Sky

  • Flying high in this golden sky
  • Bye, bye, bye to that beautiful sky
  • Golden sky. Like a warm sunset pie.
  • I spy a perfect sky
  • Need to try to see more of these skies
  • Nice drop by, this orange, sun, sky
  • I can’t believe my eyes. Those sunset skies.
  • Please Standby. There’s an update from the sky.

Short Sunset Captions

Short and sweet can sometimes be the best way to get your message across. If you’re normally a one-liner kind of post. Then a short sunset quote might be for you.

Here are some amazing short sunset captions for instagram:

  • This is the life
  • Days end where dreams begin
  • Sweet like a sunset
  • My kind of reality
  • The end or just the beginning?
  • What a cutie, this sunset beauty
  • Everyday dreaming like a sunset
  • No filter required
  • Sunsets are life
  • Forever chasing sunsets
  • It’s the simple things
  • Sunsets over Netflix
  • So this just happened
  • These are the days
  • Lazy like a Sunday sunset

Sunset Captions One Word

  • Bliss
  • Aesthetics
  • Lit
  • Serenity
  • Fire
  • Golden
  • Vibes
  • Tranquility
  • Slay
  • Euphoria
  • Mood
  • Glow-up

Sunset Captions With Friends

  • Sundown, bro town.
  • You, me, and a sunset for free. That’s living.
  • These are the days of our lives
  • All I need is you, some wine and these sunset views
  • When the lights go out, that’s when the party starts
  • Sunsets. That one friend that won’t wait for me

Pool Sunset Captions

Ending the day and looking for great captions for swimming pool photos. This is one of the best places to watch the sunset and capitalise on a good sunset caption. Here are some pool sunset caption ideas to get you going:

  • Taking a dip. The both of us.
  • And just like that, another day ends with just the right amount of splash
  • Diving in, kicking back, sunset time, life’s relaxed
  • Pool goals. Sunset and wine
  • Dipping my toes, watching the sunset go
  • Floating on sunshine
  • Every day needs more pool sets
  • The pool. The ultimate sun chair.

Sunset Puns & Funny Captions

Who doesn’t like a little pun? Especially when using sunset captions. Sunset time can be a great time to get a little ‘punny’. Here are some sunset captions using sun puns:

  • Sun of a beach
  • It’s going down. For real.
  • I never met a sunset I didn’t like
  • There it goes. Just like my dignity
  • Looks so good when it goes down. Just like my…debt
  • A sunset a day keeps the …. away
  • Sunset or sun sweat?
  • Seas the day
  • My favorite color? Sunset.
  • Is it too early for bed?
  • Sunsets. About the only thing, I can afford to watch right now
  • Going where the sun don’t shine
  • 50 shades of sunset

What are Good Instagram Captions?

Instagram has an unbelievable amount of sunset photos posted around the world every day. So, how do you get your post to stand out?

Instagram captions play a surprisingly big role in post popularity. They can even be the difference between flopping and thriving.

“From a few pithy words to soul-baring confessions, captions help determine which influencers thrive


Yes, using captions actually makes a difference. And, using great, captivating captions could even increase your Instagram followers.

Captions add context and shape your voice, all of which drive up follower count.


It works by creating or sparking an emotion. Something that is worthwhile connecting to (in Instagram terms – commenting or reacting to). You need to reflect your mood with inflections, like:

  • Funny sunset captions – occasions where you’re feeling a little cheeky
  • Romantic sunset quotes – when you want to highlight a moment with (or perhaps a future moment with) someone special
  • Inspirational sunset quotes – when you want to inspire or encourage a positive mindset

It’s about creating engagement

Social Media platforms like Instagram were designed to be engaging. That means that there is an expected level of direct engagement on posts. Posts that have better engagement are considered ‘better posts’ and are shared out to more viewers. This is essentially how accounts can grow on Instagram.

“On Instagram, strong imagery is what stops users in their feed. However, captions are what drive engagement

Stephanie Cartin, co-CEO at Socialfly

If your intention is to create a level of engagement on your posts (whether it be with a small group of close friends or a wider group of followers) you need to have a caption that’s worth engaging with.

Use and Customize/Personalize Sunset Captions

A great caption does not need to be long. It does not need to be a personal display of deep-rooted emotional reflection, it can be simple and elegant, the most important part is, keep it ‘you’.

Sometimes a simple copy and paste will work perfectly for a sunset moment. But in some cases, you’re going to want to tweet it/personalize it. Even if that means throwing a different or combination of emojis on the end, which somehow relates to you or that your followers are familiar with (almost like an inside joke).

Play with emojis

A little emoji can go a long way. We’re deep into the digital age now. No one is expecting a literature piece in a sunset caption (unless that’s your thing…then go for it).

Emojis are a great, easy way to portray a mood or message. They can add some depth or spark confusion. By using contradicting text and emoji combos you can create a quick, personalized caption that might catch people’s attention and drive them to question your mindset.

If it’s engagement you’re after, this is one way to get peoples attention.

Sunset caption – use of emojis example

Say you want a quick sunset caption but also want to invoke engagement. Here is the same sunset photo and caption with different emoji variations:

Sunset caption with emoji example
“Wish all my days could end like this 🤯”
Sunset caption with emoji example 1
“Wish all my days could end like this 🌯🌮🍹🤤”

Both sunset captions use the same text, but tell a very different story.

  • The first sunset caption makes it seem as if you are sitting in some kind of mediation pose and completely blown away by natures beauty
  • The second sunset caption seems as though you have just pigged out on Mexican food and are now lying on your front, happily satisfied

Personalization of sunset captions doesn’t just have to be with emojis. Swap in a relevant word or two.

Use things that are relevant to your mood, situation, or state of mind. Humour goes a long way when grabbing people’s attention. Changing a single word in a caption to make something sound completely different. Mix in an emoji and you’ve got yourself some very different storytelling in a single, sentence caption.

Swap in a relevant word – sunset caption example

Here is the same photo again. This time we will swap in a word for something that is more relevant.

Example 1: You spent an amazing day with a partner.

Example 2: You’ve had a big day of drinking.

Sunset caption with emoji example 2
1. “Wish all my days WITH YOU could end like this”
Sunset caption with emoji example 3
2. “Wish all my HANGOVERS could START like this”

Making your sunset caption a little bit personal can really turn your post into something special and one that people will more likely engage with.

Sunset Instagram Hashtags

Hashtags are an important feature in the Instagram process. Using the right sunset hashtags with your sunset captions can make a real impact and get seen ny a hug number of people.

There’s a couple of do’s and don’ts when it comes to using hashtags:


  • Use a variety of sunset hashtags and mix them up daily
  • Limit your hashtags to 15-20 per post 
  • Check the hashtag volumes before you use them (explained later) 
  • Use hashtags across a variety of ranking volumes 
  • Keep the hashtags relevant (Instagram’s algorithm is smart. It can tell if you are trying to use hashtags that are not related to your image)


  • Use the same hashtag on consecutive days 
  • Have all of the same hashtags copied from another account‘s post 
  • Make changes to your hashtags once you have posted 

Hashtag Volumes to consider

You also want to have a good variety of hashtag volume keywords.

What does that mean?

Every hashtag that gets used has a different volume of use. For example, some simple, popular terms like “sunset” is very popular. At the time of this post it has been used 246 Million times on Instagram.

The more specific you get the less these hashtags get used. Which also means the more likely it is that you ‘rank’ or get your Instagram post viewed on the ‘popular tags’ section.

For example:

  • #sunsetyoga has 130 thousand (130k) uses.
  • #sunsetsandpalmtrees has 5k.

What kind of volume hashtag you want to try and rank for will depends on the size of your account. If you have 20K followers or below. Your sunset hashtag ranking distribution should look something like this: 

  • 10K Posts (or under) – Use 2 Hashtags 
  • 10K – 50K Posts (or under) – Use 6 Hashtags 
  • 50K – 250K Posts (or under) – Use 5 Hashtags 
  • 250K – 1M Posts (or under) – Use 4 Hashtags 
  • 1M – 5M (or under) – Use 1 Hashtag
  • 5M – 10M – Use 1 Hashtag
  • Above 10M – Use 1 Hashtag 
  • TOTAL = 20 Hashtags

Note that this is a rough guide and if you want to do do more or less, you can always get lucky and have one of your posts get picked up and shared around.

>> Click here for The Best Travel Hashtags for Instagram

What makes a sunset so appealing to people?

Sunsets are popular in all different cultures around the world. But what makes sunsets so appealing?

Apart from their natural beauty and amazing array of colours there’s a few key factors at play:

  • Sunsets symbolize the end of the day. A chance to reflect on the day’s activities, actions, and feelings. It is a good time to question if things are going the way you like or if there’s anything different you’d like to do tomorrow.
  • Sunsets are never quite the same. They’re always unique. And are even unique for different people in the same area. People look at things and take them in, differently. This is one of the most amazing things about sunsets – people’s ability to reposed to them in different ways.
  • It is one huge part of human life that we all have in common. No matter where in the world you are, the sun will set (at different times, but still every day). This is one great thing that unifies us around the globe.

There is an infinite number of reasons why some people are more attracted to sunsets than others. What makes for great sunset captions is taking that personal reason and integrating directly into your post. Personalized makes it interesting. Interesting creates engagement.

How do I caption a photo that is not mine?

Some people take amazing sunset photos. Whether it be looking out over an ocean or mountain range, or as simple as light hitting a certain leaf just right.

For whatever reason, you cannot simply use someone else’s photo without taking the appropriate action.


Photos are considered people’s artwork. These are pieces that they have created with their own, artistic touch, talent and time.

How do I tag someone for photo credit on Instagram

If you really feel that you want to share someone’s sunset photo on your Instagram feed, there are a couple of things you should do:

  • Ideally, you ask the person for permission by way of a private message. Or if they have private message disabled, ask on the photo itself.
  • When you post the photo you can tag the Instagram account in the photo using the “tag” section of the posting process.
  • Also, you should credit the account in the sunset caption. Either by stating “photo by”, or “photo credits”, or use the camera emoji “📷”

If they account doesn’t reposed to your message, it will likely see that their photo has been tagged. If they don’t want you to share it they will let you know. In most cases, photo sharing with appropriate acknowledgement is OK.

What does “caption this” under pics mean?

Sometimes accounts will post a photo and their sunset caption might simply state “caption this”. In this case, feel free to use one of the sunset captions in this post (and don’t forest to customize where applicable – just to make it stand out).

What’s the best way to Timelapse a Sunrise or Sunset

Sunset time-lapses can look great on your Instagram feed. The best way to achieve a great sunset timelapse is to do the following:

  • The time-lapse setting on most smartphones works well (swipe across in your video settings until you see time-lapse)
  • Have a fixed position for your phone or camera (moving around your arm while capturing a sunset time-lapse gets a bit messy)
  • Once you have a fixed location, try to get something in the foreground. This will add some depth to your shot/film. Whether it is yourself sitting and talking to a friend or doing a yoga routine or even a tress blowing in the wind. It will add and highlight the contrast as the colors of the sky change.

Looking for more Quotes or Slogans to use in your captions?

Check out some of our other posts, including:

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  • Aaron Salyer writer

    Aaron Salyer is a co-founder of The Dharma Trails, where his background in coastal engineering and passion for sustainability and writing have blended together. Through this platform, Aaron’s insightful narratives reach a global audience, advocating for conscious travel practices worldwide.

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