Travel Guides

Discover an array of travel guides, eco-accommodation recommendations, and green packing lists designed to inspire eco-friendly travel. Whether you’re planning a luxurious weekend escape to the Gold Coast, seeking stylish stays in Byron Bay, or looking to immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of Old San Juan, our guides are tailored to enhance your travel experience while minimizing environmental impact.

From unique eco-resorts like The Rockhouse in Negril to adventurous house sitting in the Caribbean, we cover diverse destinations ensuring you have all the tools to travel thoughtfully and sustainably. Our posts extend from the charming streets of Lisbon to the remote tranquility of Hobbitenango in Guatemala, each crafted to help you connect with local cultures, support sustainable practices, and discover the beauty of the world in an environmentally conscious way.

Here you will find all our travel guides, green accommodation guides, and packing lists. We hope these posts give you the inspiration to travel in a more eco friendly way.